I have chosen the title for this last and final post of my trip to Bali as "Bali in the Rear View Mirror" simply for the fact I have now arrived back in the states and have had some time to reflect on my adventure of 2 months there.
The people could have not been nicer. The sweetest, most helpful, kind and generous people I have met to date in my travels around the world. Balinese are the kind of people you want to live around. They obviously see Americans as a walking ATM machine, but they are upfront about their desires to provide you with products or services, and only once did I feel ripped off and we won't go into that.
Overall, I made some life long friends and I hope to help continue my support of my driver, Kaput and his family. I have included a picture of Kaput, his wife and kid, Tudey here for you to see a very humble and thankful Balinese family.
I already miss my life in Bali, as it was ideal and a lifestyle I hope to find again real soon. I truly believe I belong in a tropical environment somewhere in this world, and intend to find it, as cold weather is something I truly want to avoid for the rest of my life.
Looking back, it was a true struggle in the beginning to understand the Balinese pace of life and how all the pieces of this exotic "ying, yang" puzzle fit together in this strange yet wonderful land of green mountains, blackened volcanos and elevated rice terraces with azure oceans and "firelit" skys. But, once the "magic of Bali" took hold in my heart I was hooked forever and hope to return to its waves and people someday. These are the constants.
Hope you enjoy some of these random photos from Bali and keep a lookout for my next "Oceanautic Adventure". Rumor has it I could possibly be found somewhere south of the equator again in a place called Floranopolis......know where that is???